August 29

Glass Wall Got You Blocked?

###Are the squirrels inside of your head driving you nuts? Do you ever have those days when you feel like you've run into a brick wall? What if a wall really is blocking your success... and it's a glass wall... you cannot see it? What would it be worth to you to finally bust through that glass wall? Can you imagine the possibilities of what your life would look like two weeks, two months or two years from now? If you could finally picture the possibilities and take action toward actually achieving the success you’ve been fantasizing about, how would that feel? It is busting through my glass wall that allows me to connect with you today. Through the Six Advisors Assessment, workshop and coaching circle, I was finally able to discover major blind spots that were blocking my success. “It took a village” for me to become a “product of the process.” The Six Advisors Assessment allowed me to see on paper areas that were amazingly balanced, but under utilized and definitely uncelebrated. It also showed me areas where I was amazingly blocked. Though that awakening alone had me ready to make changes, I didn’t know exactly what they needed to be. How would I put substantive actions behind my goals to give them the underpinning required for my success? If I had stopped at taking the assessment and not experienced the Six Advisors Workshop, who knows how long it would have taken me to figure out the process alone. The experiential exercises forced me to face the realization that not only did my unrealistic fantasies allow me to build castles in the sky, heck, I decorated them and moved in! How 'bout you? Got any gaps between where you are and where you think you should be by now? This powerful workshop filled with processes and procedures, convicted me that I needed to go even deeper below the surface of my thoughts. It was my decision to go through the coaching process, to be coached and to coach, that drove the information home so deeply I could no longer deny where my blocks were. “This is where the rubber meets the road” says co-creator of Six Advisors Inc. Dave Blanchard. There are no more excuses, you simply make decisions about what you will do and won’t do, and either are OK. However, whining is no longer an option. Finally, you know what you know and take responsibility for the actions you will or will not take. Welcome to the village – the “success system” of self-discovery. If you are ready to face the castles that you may be building in the sky, if you are willing to let go of the excuses and finally take full ownership to that which has been blocking you, then here’s your hammer. Your glass wall is waiting for you to bust through. Your journey begins with meeting your Six Advisors. Let me introduce you, just call me. *--June Cline* *June Cline is humanizing organizations that want their people to “Lead, Laugh ... or Get Out of The Way!” She is a Certified Speaking Professional and Six Advisors Facilitator and Coach. June helps people, teams and companies name and tame the noise inside their heads with the time-tested principles of the Og Mandino Success System. June has been honored as a Distinguished Alumni of Westminster College of Salt Lake City, Utah, for showing leaders how to “Lead the Way to Laughter.” Visit her website at or call her at 480-634-7485.*


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