July 25

Make ‘Em Like You More…


The ROI of LOL: Make 'Em Like You More! You like me! You really like me, is the mis-quote from Sally Field as she accepted her Oscar for best actress in Norma Rae. How do we get someone to "really like" us enough to do business with us without bribing them? The answer: make `em laugh out loud (LOL). Now, wait just a minute you may be saying. What about quality of service, skill, competence and product which is serious business and nothing to laugh at (and yes, I know my participle is dangling)? Yep, all those criteria must be in place to satisfactorily meet needs. But the clincher, the real return on investment is when YOU make someone LOL. The ROI of LOL is all about establishing, short circuiting and cementing connection, communication and relationship. Our business world is full of it...(careful), of proof there is a return on investment from laughing out loud (The ROI of LOL) with customers, colleagues and kin folk. And, it`s not about joke telling. Let that one go. It`s about IMO`s...idiot moments as I call `em. It`s those less than stellar moments that are so embarrassing you can`t believe you did that...like walking in to the wrong restroom. But in time, you are telling the tale and laughing out loud with others about it. That is what throws you over to the rave side of like. When you make others LOL so hard they lose fluids, they will tell others. And, if you have skillfully connected your IMO to your quality of service, skill, competence or product, they like you, they really like you and they will remember you which is the first rule of business. An often quoted award winning formula for sales is: know, like, trust. Folks have to do all three when it comes to your cute face. A monkey can figure out that people can`t do business with you if they don`t know you. And they--people, not monkeys--won`t do business with you if they don`t like or trust you unless you are the only monkey in town. And, in today's viral environment, bad mouth publicity will be worldwide in a nano second and out run any benefit blasting marketing campaign on the now very Social Media planet. What we need these days is a big ole` thumbs up on the know, like, trust formula which you can train a monkey to do for a banana. And, you can train yourself to making others LOL with your IMO's. Don't know how to but want folks to know, like & trust you more? If you're serious, email me. We'll set up a time to talk free for 15 minutes about a fun strategy you can implement immediately. The Facebook thumbs up "like" sign is now more recognized worldwide that the Coco Cola logo or the ears of Mickey Mouse, two of the most recognized on the planet. What are you most recognized for? If it's causing others to laugh out loud at one of your IMO's with a business point, then I'll see you at the awards banquet accepting your sales Oscar and mis-quoting Sally Field..."You like me!" June Cline, CSP For more fun stories and information about humor, go to JuneCline.com. June believes there is a real and serious return on investment of laughing out loud (The ROI of LOL) with customers, colleagues and kin folk to build connection, communication, community and profit.


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